Inspiring Christmas Displays
If you're interested in creating an authentically and historically-correct Christmas display, look no further then the Golden Glow of Christmas Past - an organization of antique Christmas collectors from the world over.
Collecting Old Christmas
With themes such as "Clockwork Nodders" or "Holiday Pattern China", the Glow's membership include some of the most knowledgeable and serious collectors in the world. Besides answering questions about a great garage sale find or authenticity of an Ebay listing, or any Christmas topic under the sun, one of the best things about the Golden Glow (besides their members) is their annual convention which is held in a different city each year.
Learn more about the Golden Glow of Christmas PastHERE ARE SOME PHOTOS FROM PREVIOUS CONVENTIONS
Created from a regular Christmas tree, this " antique paper house village" tree was made by eliminating every 3rd row and bending the 2 remaining rows to form a layer. Corrugated blue cardboard with lights punched through, polyester batting snow, and tinsel icicles help finish the look.
Pair of Heubach Cotton Spun children with bisque heads.
 Nodder reindeer pulling Santa in a loofta sleigh
Antique miniature dolls, toys and houses
 Beautiful Dresden Ornaments made of embossed cardboard.